
Noonday, An Order of Service <mark class=for" />

Noonday, An Order of Service for

This service of noonday prayers includes an opening versicle, a selection from the psalms, a lesson, and prayers (BCP, 103-107). It is based on the “little offices” of terce, sext, […]



A liturgical answer or statement that responds to a prayer, bidding, or reading. The response may be paired with and follow a versicle. For example, Suffrages A and B in […]


Water and Prayer: Andrew Wilson, Diocese of Florida

November 10, 2014

[…] for Christ and development in Africa I want to start my blog post with a prayer.  There are too many wonderfully eloquent and powerful prayers that are more than fitting […]


From the Book of Common Prayer

December 2, 2020

[…] in both contemporary and traditional language. It is the source of our Sunday worship, our daily prayers, our calendar, and our catechism, all of which point us in unity toward […]

Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop calls for a season of prayer

March 29, 2016

English Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has called for a season of prayer for regions of the Anglican Communion which are experiencing violence and civil strife. “In this season […]

Breaking of the Bread, The (The Fraction)

Breaking of the Bread, The (The Fraction)

[…] as broken for us and our salvation. The breaking of the bread follows the eucharistic prayer and the Lord's Prayer and is accompanied by a period of silence. A fraction […]



A traditional posture of prayer in which one’s weight rests on the knees. The pews of many churches have “kneelers” or cushions to protect the knees of those who kneel […]

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