
Sermons That Work

Monuments Attract Outcasts…, Lent 4 (A) – 2002

March 10, 2002

Monuments attract outcasts. This is as true today as it was in our Lord’s time. Walk outside the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, a.k.a. the National Cathedral, in Washington, […]

united thank offering

New Lenten Materials Now Available

November 2, 2021

By Heather Melton, UTO staff officer Back by popular demand, UTO gratitude resources for Lent are now available at The materials have been expanded and updated to better support those […]

Public Affairs

Lenten resources for a spirit-filled season

February 2, 2016

The holy season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 10, and continues to the festive day of Easter on March 27. Resources for Lent 2016 from the Episcopal Church […]

united thank offering

Daily Meditations and an Invitation for Lent

November 28, 2017

[…] Bible, I want to invite you to join us for the Good Book Club this Lent and Easter. UTO has created a free, downloadable booklet to guide you each week […]

Sermons That Work

I Must Be On My Way, Lent 2 (C) – 2010

February 28, 2010

[…] and resurrection mark also the beginning of faith and redemption for us as his people. Lent is our annual reminder of this reality – of the lasting covenant that has […]

Sermons That Work

It’s Hard Getting God…, Lent 5 (A) – 2002

March 17, 2002

[…] weave together what the lessons have to say to us on this fifth Sunday in Lent. St. Paul alludes to a dreadful institution: slavery. Slavery was widely practiced in the […]


Go! for Lent: Mark 14:42

March 16, 2016

[…] his betrayer knowing it would lead to his own arrest, torture, and  death. In a Lenten series years ago I heard the question “Why do you follow Jesus?” At the […]

Sermons That Work

Oh, to Have Been around…, Lent 5 (B) – 2000

April 09, 2000

[…] which Jews? Was it for the Gentiles, too? If so, which Gentiles? Part of our Lenten journey has been about wrestling with rules in the wilderness. If we have to […]


Go! for Lent: Joshua 1:16

February 21, 2016

[…] to make new choices as we celebrate the risen lord on Easter morn. Through our Lenten fast, we get to choose in small ways to trust God’s command. Choosing to […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 1 (C) – 2016

February 14, 2016

[…] is about gratitude. While people often ask each other what they are giving up for Lent, this penitential season is about far more than sacrificing chocolate, ice cream, or even […]

Public Affairs

Episcopal Church offers Lenten resources, meditations

February 8, 2013

Resources, meditations and study guides for experiencing a reflective Lenten season are available from the Episcopal Church. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori’s video Lent Message 2013 is here The […]

Sermons That Work

Ambassador for Christ, Lent 4 (C) – 2016

March 06, 2016

[…] how God loves us. God desires our return, which is one of the themes of Lent. We, like sheep, have gone astray. Now, deep in Lent some of us begin […]


The First Sunday in Lent

May 30, 2012

[…] world mark the restoration of relationships in a variety of ways.  Some people celebrated Va lentine’s Day on the 14th of this month as a sign of love shared between […]

Seasonal Blessings

Seasonal Blessings

[…] Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday, and All Saints. In place of a seasonal blessing in Lent, a solemn Prayer over the People (Super Populum) is used. The seasonal blessings may […]

Sermons That Work

Wilderness, Lent 1 (B) – 2018

February 18, 2018

[…] and as community must go, because out of the wild comes new life. During this Lenten season of fasting and focus, of praying and preparing, we are tempted to simply […]


Go! for Lent Luke 17:14

February 27, 2016

[…] instead of just wandering off or going back home. And that made all the difference. Lent is when we all think about our own sins and failings and how we […]


Lent 5: Purge me from my sin

March 18, 2018

[…] the Psalm of the day actually calls us back to the very beginning of our Lenten journey.  “Create in me a clear heart O God,” cries the Psalmist.  “Renew a […]

Sermons That Work

Quite a Few of Us…, Lent 5 (C) – 2007

March 25, 2007

Quite a few of us grew up in evangelical churches and were raised on a diet of fiery preaching and gospel hymns. One of the most popular hymns of that […]

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