The Office of Public Affairs

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Katelyn Kenney has been named 2017-2018 United Thank Offering Julia Chester Emery intern

September 12, 2017
Office of Public Affairs

Katelyn Kenney of Pearland, Texas has been named the United Thank Offering Julia Chester Emery intern for 2017-2018.

“I’m so grateful for the opportunity to explore my gifts through this internship and meet creative individuals within the Episcopal Church along the way,” Kenney said.

The purpose of the internship is to support the work of the United Thank Offering including speaking at public events. She will be partnering with Missional Voices, a national gathering for lay people, community leaders, and ministry innovators to come together and develop ideas for missional communities. Kenney’s focus with Missional Voices will be to assist with the development, organization, and marketing of the 2018 National Gathering (scheduled for April 19-21, 2018, in Indianapolis, IN) and other resources.

Kenney will be based in Houston TX. (Diocese of Texas). She will also be spending the year as a member of the Texas Episcopal Service Corps.

Kenney is a graduate from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a minor in leadership studies.

Kenney’s appointment was announced by the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, Presiding Bishop’s Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation and Stewardship of Creation. Following a review of applications, Kenney was selected by a committee comprised of United Thank Offering board members, Missional Voices members, and Episcopal Church staff.

The United Thank Offering is a gratitude ministry of the Episcopal Church to support innovative mission and ministry in the whole Church. Known worldwide as UTO, the United Thank Offering awards grants for new projects and programs that address innovative approaches to ministries within their communities that meet the stated focus for the year.

For more information contact the Rev. Heather Melton, Staff Officer for the United Thank Offering.