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United Thank Offering videos feature work of grant recipient

July 25, 2016
Office of Public Affairs

Two new videos feature the work of a $22,800 United Thank Offering grant at an international refugee center in 2015.

The first video features The Joel Nafuma Refugee Center, located in St. Paul’s Within the Walls Episcopal Church in Rome, Italy.  The United Thank Offering Grant paved the way for the hiring of staff, the purchasing of computer equipment, which allowed the expansion of services.

The second video, Rakin: A Refugee’s Story, is a poignant, heart-rending profile of an Afghan refugee being assisted at the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center.

The videos, produced by the Episcopal Church, are available here.

The grant was a direct result of the generosity of the hundreds who contributed and participated in the annual United Thank Offering ingathering, and is just one example of the grants awarded to support work with refugees.  In 2015, United Thank Offering raised $89,045.20 through the Advent Challenge which supported Episcopal Migration Ministries in opening two new resettlement locations and offering mental health services through all of the resettlement offices.

“The generosity of so many has manifested into Christian action in helping refugees who are seeking a better life, through the Joel Nafuma Center,” noted the Rev. Heather Melton, Missioner for the United Thank Offering. “The first video offers a glimpse into the dedication and work of the center, and the second provides an opportunity to meet and learn the story of Rakin, one of the refugees.”

The United Thank Offering is a ministry to promote thankfulness and mission in the whole Church. Known worldwide as UTO, the United Thank Offering awards grants for projects that address human needs and help alleviate poverty, both domestically and internationally in the Episcopal Church.

Episcopal Migration Ministries is the refugee resettlement program of the Episcopal Church. Working in partnership with 30 local resettlement offices and a host of diocesan and parish partners, volunteers, and community supporters, each year Episcopal Migration Ministries resettles more than 5,000 men, women, and children fleeing violence, persecution, and conflict. Through this ministry of welcome, refugees’ journeys of fear and flight are over, and their journeys of hope and new life begin.  

For more information contact Melton.