The Office of Public Affairs

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Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori invited to preach at St. Alban’s, England, also receiving honorary degree from Oxford University

May 22, 2014
Office of Public Affairs

At the invitation of the Very Reverend Dr. Jeffrey John, Dean, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Katharine Jefferts Schori will con-celebrate and preach at noon at the Cathedral and Abbey of St. Alban, England, and will participate in the annual Alban Pilgrimage on June 21.

“I have been fascinated with Alban for years – the first English martyr, newly baptized, who sheltered a priest fleeing persecution and gave his life in the other’s stead,” Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori said. “He is a remarkable example of baptismal vocation.”

On June 22, at the invitation of the Rev. Canon Brian Mountford, Vicar, the Presiding Bishop will preach at the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin at Oxford University at 10:30 am

On June 25, the Presiding Bishop will be awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity by the University of Oxford.

“I am deeply honored by this development,” the Presiding Bishop said. “None of us comes to a time like this without the teaching, support, and partnership of many, many people.  I am immensely grateful for their companionship in this journey.”



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