The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church Office of Communication: 2013 by the numbers

January 29, 2014
Office of Public Affairs

For the Episcopal Church Office of Communication, 2013 was a remarkable year.

“The year 2013 showed continued dramatic growth in audiences for all of our digital publications, our website and our social media outlets,” noted Anne Rudig, Director of Communication.  Our internal and external media relations efforts yielded some significant placements and much expanded activity.”

By the numbers:


Episcopal Church website:

  • Total Visits: 1,940,698
  • Pages viewed: 5,538,706
  • 62.34% represent new visitors
  • Top 10 pages for 2013:

Homepage 607,002

Find A Church 104,369

Calendar 87,342

Book of Common Prayer 74,427

About Us 67,751

Bible 58,098

History of the Church 57,560

Lectionary 56,636

Baptismal Covenant 50,435

Core Beliefs 46,177


Episcopal Digital Network

Episcopal News Service, Sermons That Work, Lesson Plans That Work, Wayfarer

January 1 to December 10

  • Total visitors: 641,488
  • Pages viewed: 2,807,475
  • Marketing Your Parish White Paper downloads: 1,837
  • Episcopal News Service website visitors: 440,295 (an increase of nearly 100,000 over the last year); page views: 1.5 million



  • Total plays: 240,246 (up more than 140,000 from the previous year)
  • Most watched videos:

Portia Adney 15,513

Mike Notter 11,948

Gospel Americana: The Music at Thad’s 9,512

Brother Geoffrey 9,050

Adrienne Stillman 7, 442


June 10 – December 10

  • People who liked our page: 54,712, increasing at an average of 58 per day.
  • Various posts average 2,812 likes, 203 comments and 751 shares per day.
  • Daily engaged users: 3,506
  • Weekly engaged users: 17,895
  • Posts have a daily average reach of 61,650 people
  • Posts have a weekly average reach of 248,652 people
  • People that click on our posts leading someplace else: Daily: 2211
  • People that click on our posts leading someplace else: Weekly: 11,878


January 1, 2013 – December 10

  • Tweeted 5195 times
  • Current followers: 18,148
  • Currently following: 5,020
  • Evening prayer averages about 25-40 re-tweets every night.


Public Affairs

January 1 – December 11


Over 185 media releases with an additional 33 in Spanish resulted in placements throughout the Episcopal Church, the dioceses, and secular news organizations both in the U.S. and internationally. In addition, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Religion News Service, Wisconsin Public Radio, Newsday and other major publications included churchwide information ranging in topics from statements by Presiding Bishop to announcements and progress updates.  Media placements in regional/national print/electronic outlets were sparked by many Episcopal Church events and happenings, including the State of Racism in November (pre and post coverage); as well as placements in major outlets like the Huffington Post on Veterans day, Zimmerman Verdict, Memorial Day, and Gun Violence.




The Episcopal Church:


