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Episcopal Church new iBooks series – Wayfarer

July 17, 2013
Office of Public Affairs

Wayfarer, the Episcopal Church Office of Communication new iBook series, is available at iBooks for free downloading here

Wayfarer lets us go a little deeper and tell longer, compelling stories through multimedia,” noted Mike Collins, Manager of Multimedia Services in the Office of Communication of The Episcopal Church and Wayfarer producer.  “There are many great stories across The Episcopal Church that don’t fit into a shorter format.  This is how we get to tell those particular stories.”

While it is available as a free iBooks app, all Wayfarer content can also be viewed in an Internet browser here

Currently available for viewing are remarkable stories of ministry from both sides of the continent:  a sustainable society developed by the nuns of Bluestone Farms in New York; and Thad’s, a thriving Episcopal California community of worship and music and interesting people.

Upcoming Wayfarer issues include features on the remarkable post-Katrina work by Jericho Road in Louisiana; the story of a monk in residence at the Society of St John The Evangelist in Massachusetts; and a snapshot of daily life for a Yale seminarian in Connecticut.




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