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Episcopal Church President of House of Deputies honors the Rev. Dr. Canon Harold T. Lewis

November 27, 2012
Office of Public Affairs

The Rev. Dr. Canon Harold T. Lewis, who recently retired as rector of Calvary Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA (Diocese of Pittsburgh) was awarded the House of Deputies medal on Sunday, November 25. The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, President of the Episcopal Church’s House of Deputies, presented the medal to Lewis during a service of thanksgiving for his ministry at Calvary.

In presenting the award, Jennings told Lewis that he had earned “the everlasting respect and gratitude of the House of Deputies and, indeed, the entire Episcopal Church, for your steadfast loyalty to the Constitution and Canons and the traditions and polity of the Episcopal Church, along with your work to preserve the Diocese of Pittsburgh for loyal and faithful Episcopalians. Through your leadership here in Pittsburgh and your service as a deputy to General Convention, we have seen anew how our church’s witness can proclaim the Good News to all of God’s people.”

Jennings, who was elected President at General Convention in July, established the medal in October to honor clergy and laypeople who have given distinguished service to the House of Deputies and the Episcopal Church.

Lewis, who has been named rector emeritus of Calvary, had served the parish as rector since 1996. His tenure was distinguished by his excellent preaching, his unwavering commitment to social justice and work against racism and his leadership in the face of a conservative breakaway movement in the diocese.

The triennial General Convention is the governing body of the Episcopal Church and includes the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies.



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