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Two videos address domestic poverty; appropriate for congregation discussion groups

September 12, 2012
Office of Public Affairs

Circle of Protection, an ecumenical alliance of Christian leaders of which Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is an original member, has released videos from the presidential candidates that can be utilized by groups, congregations and dioceses to discuss the pervasive issue of poverty in the United States.The Episcopal Church, as a member of National Council of Churches (NCC) and the Circle of Protection, encourages the use of the two videos – one from each of the presidential candidates – in congregational discussion groups and adult forums as an opportunity for congregations to talk about poverty and how it is woven into the discussions of the upcoming national election.Both videos are available here:

Noting that domestic poverty was cited by General Convention as a priority issue for the Episcopal Church, Bishop Stacy Sauls, Episcopal Church Chief Operating Officer,  commented, “As people of faith, we encourage Episcopalians and congregations to view these videos and discuss the issue of poverty in our country. We need to make clear that we maintain poverty is a touchstone issue in this election.” Note:  The Christian leaders who initiated the “Circle of Protection” asked the two major nominees for president to offer a brief video outline of how they would seek to overcome poverty as President.  The Christian leaders express their thanks to both President Obama and Governor Romney for their positive responses to this request.  The leaders also wish to make clear that this effort in no way offers or implies an endorsement of either candidate or the proposals in their statements. Likewise, the participation of Governor Romney and President Obama does not offer or imply an endorsement of the positions taken by the Circle of Protection or its members.  The Episcopal Church: www.episcopalchurch.orgFacebook: