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Program Budget and Finance issues statement on working budget

July 4, 2012
Office of Public Affairs

The following statement has been issued by the members of the Episcopal Church Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance, meeting on July 4 at the 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church.

At its first working meeting on July 4, the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance decided to utilize the Five Marks of Mission budget proposal here as its working template for the 2013-15 triennial budget. Program, Budget and Finance made that decision without commitment to any of the specific line items within the Five Marks of Mission proposal.

Program, Budget and Finance made its decision because the Five Marks of Mission budget provides a clear missionary framework for budgeting and is based on updated information regarding income.  Program, Budget and Finance will continue its work of building and amending income and expense lines for the final budget presentation on Tuesday, July 10. 

Diane Pollard, Diocese of New York, Chair of Program, Budget and Finance, and Bishop Steven Lane, Diocese of Maine, Vice chair, on behalf of the members of Program, Budget and Finance.

July 4, 2012





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