The Office of Public Affairs

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The Blue Book now available in e-book

June 26, 2012
Office of Public Affairs

The Report to the 77th General Convention, commonly referred to as The Blue Book, is now available as an e-book from three major e-book sellers: Amazon’s Kindle Store, Apple’s iBookstore, and Barnes & Noble’s NOOK Book Store.

This marks the first time that the Blue Book has been available as an e-book from the General Convention Office.  Links to the e-books are available on the General Convention website

General Convention 2012 will be held July 5 – 12 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN (Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis).

The Blue Book contains reports of the committees, commissions, agencies and boards to the General Convention, as well as more than 150 “A” Resolutions submitted as part of those reports that will be considered at the July event.

For questions about The Blue Book, contact Christopher Barajas in the General Convention office.