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Episcopal Church Office of Communication coverage of 10th anniversary of September 11 from Episcopal News Service, Multimedia, Web and Social Media

September 7, 2011
Office of Public Affairs
[September 7, 2011] Videos, articles, interviews, sermons and social media remembrances and conversations are the offerings from the Episcopal Church marking the 10th Anniversary of September 11.

“September 11 profoundly changed our country and our people,” noted Anne Rudig, director of communication. “While the anniversary is a sad moment to mark, it also opened windows for many to a deeper connection to God and a renewed spirituality.”

Episcopal News Service will offer daily videos and articles, beginning Wednesday September 7 and continuing through September 12. Among the articles in the series are reflections by Episcopalians on the nature of evil and a look at St Paul’s Chapel, at the heart of recovery efforts and support for workers at Ground Zero.

Videos will feature Episcopalians who experienced and responded to the 9-11 attacks: the Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Diocese of Central New York, trapped in nearby Trinity Wall Street office building; the Rev. Gail Bennett, Diocese of New Jersey, a chaplain in the mortuary at Ground Zero; the Rev. Lyndon Harris, Diocese of New York, who spearheaded the respite operations at St. Paul's Chapel; and the Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold, then-Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop.

On Sunday, September 11, the Episcopal Church Multimeida Services will videotape and post the sermon presented by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori at 7:30 am at St. Paul’s Chapel. The sermon will be posted on the home page of the Episcopal church website, Also Episcopal News Service will report on the service and sermon.

Throughout the week, Episcopal Church Web and Social Media Services will provide daily postings on social media, facebook and twitter, enlisting and inviting conversations and thoughts about the 10th Anniversary.

The Office of Communication September 11 anniversary team includes Mary Brennan, Mike Collins, Matthew Davies, Neva Rae Fox, Barry Merer, Sharon Sheridan, Mary Frances Schjonberg, and Lynette Wilson.

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop calls for reflection on tenth anniversary of September 11 attacks

The Episcopal Church:
Episcopal News Service:

St Paul’s Chapel:
Cathedral Church of St John the Divine:

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For more info contact:
Neva Rae Fox
Public Affairs Officer
The Episcopal Church
212-716-6080 Mobile: 917-478-5659