Young Adult Service Corps

What is your next faithful step?

Application deadline: March 8, 2024

Preparing to Go


A Yasc Reflection – Amelia Bjelland Brown
Our twenties are a crucial time, the crossroads between who we are and who will become. Never have I felt that crossroad more profoundly than when I stepped onboard the AirCanada plane for London. I was leaving behind everything and everyone I’d ever known for something entirely new, with only faith in God’s plan to lead me. In a single moment, I felt both freedom and terror. Freedom to discover who I truly am and who God truly wants me to be, but also fear now that I no longer had the safety net of who I’d always been. Would I be enough? Read more.

A YASC discernment weekend reflection – Ashley Cameron
A friend recently shared this prayer with me, “there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of work, but it is the same God who inspires them all in everyone.” I believe the Young Adult Service Corps embodies this. I saw it when 25 potential YASC missionaries with a wide variety of skills, gifts, and passions from across the country came together to discern the best way for them to serve out God’s mission. Read more.

Elizabeth Boe

Mission Personnel Officer