Seder Meal
At this traditional Jewish Passover meal the story of the Exodus (haggadah) is read and ritual actions are performed. The seder today consists of fourteen elements: 1) Kiddush, the blessing of wine and the day, 2) Urehatz, washing of hands, 3) Karpas, eating green herbs, 4) Yachatz, breaking the middle matzo, 5) Maggid, the Passover story, 6) Rahatz, washing of hands, 7) Motzee-Matzo, blessing the unleavened bread, 8) Maror, eating bitter herb, 9) Korekh, eating bitter herb and matzo together, 10) Shulhan Orekh, the Passover meal, 11) Tzafun, the afikomen (finding a piece of matzo hidden for the children), 12) Berakah, grace after the meal, 13) Hallel, recital of the Hallelujah psalms, and 14) Neertza, the conclusion of the seder. It is unclear how much of this order was in place in the first century, but it was at a meal similar to this that Jesus celebrated the Passover. Because of its apparent connection with the institution of the eucharist, Christians have sometimes celebrated Christian Seders. These have sometimes been offensive to Jews. The celebration of a Christian Seder during Holy Week is considered inappropriate because it is a festal celebration.
Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.