Bible Study

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Bible Study: Lent 3 (C) – 2016

February 28, 2016

Exodus 3:1-15

Most Christians live their lives with a willingness to provide service to others as a pathway of serving God’s mission in the world. At the same time we are often psychologically torn or confused by not knowing if we are the right person for God’s mission. This uncertainty of emotion exists despite our realization of God’s call. Instead of believing we are enough, we often question our qualifications to participate or whether we’ll make a noticeable difference. We begin to ask ourselves, “Who am I that I should_______?” It is safe to assume that each of us can feel in the blank. Doubt is part of life. Remember we all are children of God and thus should be able to see the face of God not only in others but also in ourselves.

While studying urban education my teachers reminded us that students “are experts in their own experience”. These words from Lisa Delpit, inform and shape how I teach each day. More importantly I accept them in every aspect of life. We are all experts in our own experience therefore we bring our humanity to God’s mission and service of others. So the next time you hear that inner voice prompting you to say or do something and another one saying you need a workshop or a support team behind you, remember you are an expert in your own experience. You bring a human experience to a human situation and if God is truly the inspiration behind the action it will be okay. God said, “I will be with you; and this shall be the sign for you that it is I who sent you.” Remember you are enough. And just as God states in the passage, “I am who I am.” You also are who you are and indeed you are enough.

  • Who are you in God’s sight?
  • How do you present yourself to others?
  • What are your spiritual gifts and are they enough?
  • How is God calling you to use your gifts?

Psalm 63:1-8

Where is God in our lives? Take a moment to think: when is God’s presence and absence felt in our lives? In this psalm, the psalmist is in LOVE with God. This is a love poem. The first verse talks about how the writer’s body physically pines for God, because they are parched and dying without God in their life. God sustains them with love and kindness and the writer believes this is better than life itself. The writer will praise God as long as they live, because God fills them and they are content. Even when the writer is scared, alone, confused and downtrodden God helps them and the writer clings to God for life. The writer is nothing without God and they know it, pondering on God’s goodness all night long, reflecting on the importance of God in their life. This is why the writer is seeking God.

  • Do we love God as much as this psalmist?
  • Are we as dependent on God?
  • If so, how are we seeking God in our daily lives?
  • What does it feel like to search for God and how would you describe it to others?

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Whether we like it or not, we humans are more alike than we will ever be different. Yet, there will always be differences. Our ability to address difference requires us to reflect God’s love and grace. Not only with others but also with ourselves. Accepting difference isn’t analogous with agreement. Accepting difference isn’t always comfortable. Accepting difference isn’t always easy. But we must accept that we are all from God and must call on God amidst these challenges and life’s difficulties. Knowing that, “God is faithful, and [God] will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing [God] will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.” Sometimes the most difficult acceptance we will have to make is with ourselves.

  • What differences do you most readily see between yourself and others?
  • What differences in others are easy for you to accept and still maintain a relationship?
  • What differences between you and others do you find difficult to work with?
  • Do you see God in the differences you see in others?
  • Do you see God in yourself?

Luke 13:1-9

We have a tendency to qualify our sins, when in actuality we are all sinners. The magnitude of sins does not require measurement in the eyes of God. We are all broken in our humanness and therefore we all need to repent and ask for forgiveness.

The parable of the fig tree symbolizes how quickly we are to prone to giving up on people, situations and circumstances without tending to the root of the problem. If we can move past the surface of what is or is not bearing fruit and address the foundation of a given issue then we are able to nurture the depths of diversity needed for healing and growth.

  • Is there a time when you gave up on something or someone and later wished you hadn’t?
  • Describe a time you needed care?
  • How are you nurtured?
  • What is at the root of who you are?
  • What are your support networks?

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