
Mary H. Ogus

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Sermons and Bible Studies

Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes…, Day of Pentecost (C) – 2007

May 27, 2007

Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami waves fascinate us. Their destructive force seems to come out of nowhere to wreak havoc upon man and nature. Television gives many people the […]

Sit Up Straight!, Proper 17 (B) – 2006

September 03, 2006

“Sit up straight! Elbows off the table! Napkin in your lap! Wait until everyone has been served before you begin to eat! And close your mouth when you chew!” The […]

This Is the Story…, Easter 4 (B) – 2006

May 07, 2006

This is the story of an Easter people on a Sunday morning, welcoming a visitor who steps in off the street. “Hi! My name is Joe” his name tag reads […]

3 records

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